

Prostate Cancer and Diabetes

A family member of mine had prostrate cancer. In Dec his PSI levels were +280. On 23rd of December he started to swallow a 1/4 teaspoon of Ancient Biblical Oils myrrh and frankincense resin twice daily and drink 1ml Ancient Biblical Oils cinnamon blend and 5ml of MCT oil three times daily. He received his PSI results this week (Jan 2020) and it is 1.8! He and his doctor are in absolute shock.I praise you my Abba father... For your kindness.


I have CLL/SLL (leukemia) cancer that was diagnosed beginning of this year. Many time I felt so sick, I felt like I am dying. I took so many sick leave this year. I started with Orrianne's treatment plan beginning of November, from then till now I only become sick once. I went for PET scan and today it was confirmed the cancer did not spread, actually it did not shows much (very low grade) All the glory to God.

Pulmonary Stenosis

Meet baby Anika she was born with the heart condition Pulmonary Stenosis. We are Facebook friends with Anika's mom Aleska and when it came to our attention that baby Anika had these challenges we sent over some oil, resins and prayers to assist in her healing. The comment below is the amazing news we got yesterday via Facebook post. "I would like to thank you all for praying for our little girl. I would like to thank Orianne and Daniel Hall for giving her precious Ancient Biblical Oils. YHVH is an awesome God, YHVH heals. Her pulmonary stenosis is not deeper, as was expected. Valve is working, and vein pumps enough blood to her lungs. We can not be sure of how will it develop, but for now she doesn't need the big opened heart surgery. HalleluYah!'' Indeed The Great King is our Healer!

RSV Virus

I wanted to share two testimonies with everyone. 1. My son who is 19 months was admitted to hospital 3 weeks ago for bronchial pneumonia. After blood tests he was diagnosed with the RSV virus. My friend and I have been wanting to go to the Ancient Biblical Oil seminars for quite some time but then only got an opportunity on the 18th of May when Reuben was in hospital (with God there are no coincidences). When I got back to the hospital on the Sunday afternoon I started with the frankincense, myrrh and cinnamon treatment right away. When the doctor came to see him on the Monday he couldn't believe his improvement and reduced his oxygen by 30% but he said he would only be discharged on the Thursday. We continued with the oil treatment. When the doctor came to see him on Tuesday he could not believe how much he had improved again and he took the oxygen off and Reuben was later discharged the same day. The doctor never knew about the oil treatment and our prayers that went with it-but God! The doctor called me this week and wants to give my child vaccine boosters. Never in a lifetime! He has never been vaccinated and never will. He's covered by the blood of Jesus and with these amazing oils that God has given us we are set and protected. 2. A friend of mine’s 18 month old baby was also admitted for the RSV virus as well as 3 other viruses on the same day Reuben was discharged. I went to the hospital on the Wednesday evening with my oils to prayed for him. He was discharged the next day. God is soooooo good and faithful. All praise be unto Him!

Cerebral Palsy

A friend of mine's child has cerebral palsy and yesterday when I saw her, I gave her a small bottle of Ancient Biblical Oils frankincense resin and the Ancient Biblical Oils Calming oil for her son. He is six years old and extremely busy and aggressive at times, I saw that with my own eyes as I looked after him yesterday for an hour. Last night she administered the oils as I explained to her, with prayer and she said for the first time her son went to sleep without kicking, screaming and hitting his head for nothing. She said for the first time her son was calm and she actually went to check on him to make sure he is okay because his behaviour changed. She said that she just cried and that she is so thankful.

Cat Flu Virus

My 6 month old pitbull got the fatal cat flu virus. She was admitted to animal hospital last week Wednesday. She got extremely ill and couldn't eat, couldn't lift her head or even acknowledge me when she sees me. On Monday all of the vets at the animal hospital said to me that we might have to think about putting her to sleep. I refused and said that I choose life. Because she's in their care and in a cage, I couldn't really apply any oils over her body so I just applied Ancient Biblical Oils Wiseman on her head, front paws and put a few drops right at her nose so she can inhale it while she sleeps. Each time when I opened the Wiseman bottle and brought it closer to her nose, she opened her eyes, lifted her head and smelled the bottle deeply. When I brought biltong and chicken to her nose, she immediately turned her head away and refused to smell the meat. She was probably nauseated, but the Wiseman oil smell somehow smelled nice to her. I prayed and blew the shofar. I applied the Wiseman oil on her 4-5 times a day while visiting her, for two days in a row. The vet doctor phoned this morning to say that she can come home tomorrow.

Kidney Disorder

My son Ryan was diagnosed with a kidney disorder and asthma in 2017 and has been on chronic meds since then. His meds finished just before I attended the seminar in Bloem. I started to use Ancient Biblical Oils on him since attending the seminar. I believe God’s timing is perfect. My son went for a check up today and received a clean bill of health that surprised the doctor. Praise God!!! Doc says our boy is in remission but we say he is healed by Jesus’ stripes. We have been doing the spinal treatment and lymph system as well. He’s been taking Ancient Biblical Oils myrrh resin as well. We thank God for your ministry. May He continue to enlarge your tents.

Violent Temperament

A lady who adopted a child came to a seminar, the child she adopted had mental problems. He would beat them and bite them. It became very traumatic for the family and they had stopped people from coming to their home. After one day of doing the spinal treatment, he changed completely, no anger, no violence after 3 days, He was a completely different child. He is growing from strength to strength. The family is so happy. Abba has been doing phenomenal things for children

Womb & Ovary Health

Good evening, I would like to share my testimony with you. When I fell pregnant 9 years ago, my gynecologist found CIN1 cells in my results after my pap smear. These cells are abnormal and needs to be monitored as they put me at risk of cervical cancer. Every year I have also had cysts, I had even undergone a laparoscopy once to remove a dermoid cyst(contains DNA and wont rapture by itself) and still after that the battle continued. Three years ago I was diagnosed with borderline PCOS and so I had to learn to live with cysts and unbalanced hormones because of my condition. They always prescribe birth control to me to get rid of the problem but I refused to use it because of how it effected me, it just made me feel worse and I used several different brands before not to mention the side effects. The past 3-4 months I started praying specific things over my ovaries using the Ancient Biblical Oils frankincense and myrrh oils and I also dedicated my cervix and uterus to Abba Father YHVH and His Spirit. I did this every morning when I could find a gap and in the intamacy of prayer and time with Them using the oils, more things opened up for me to pray about and it was beautifully anointed. I went to the gynecologist last week, I am in awe to find that I do not have 1 cyst and my pap smear came back completely normal, no suspicious cells in sight. I am so excited to see what Father is doing for us with these amazing tools and insights He is bringing to heal us and deliver us from the system. All glory and honor to the Most High

High Blood Pressure

This testimony is a response to a question in one of our WhatsApp customer support groups, where someone asked if anyone in the group had experienced break through with regards to high-blood pressure via using Ancient Biblical Oils products. "Yes. I was on 40mg Pritor. After 3 weeks of taking 5mm of both resins I stopped the medication but monitored my BP twice daily. It was and still is 114/60. Doctor confirmed no more need for Pritor (medication). HalleluYAH!"


Hey dear beloved Orianne! Just want to testify to you about one of my patients I am treating with Ancient Biblical Oils products. One of our staff member’s husband was diagnosed with end stage renal failure secondary to diabetes and after a long procedure at the provincial hospital they decided that he is not a candidate for dialyses. So I introduced them to Ancient Biblical Oils products and gave them some of the samples you gave me. He then ordered his own supply later. I could testify now after 3 months of taking only the myrrh and frankincense oils first thing in the morning, he is completely off his insulin now. (diabetes was in the first place the reason for his kidney failure) So he started to use the oils this week and rubbing it over the kidney areas and spine. We will test him end of November to see if his renal functions has improved, but we trust Abba for his full recovery! I will also keep you updated.